Webinar Archive
U.S. West Coast Ocean Acidification Observations and Assets Inventory
Tuesday, May 29, 1:00 - 3:00 PM
In 2016, the Joint OAH Monitoring Task Force of the Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC) and federal Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification (IWG-OA), embarked on an undertaking to inventory the OAH monitoring infrastructure on the West Coast from California through Alaska. The intention was to compile the foundational information for a gaps analysis - a comprehensive list of OAH-relevant field research and monitoring efforts documenting chemical, physical, and biological trends all along the coast - to ultimately inform the design of a West Coast Integrated OAH Monitoring network and the subsequent strategic monitoring investments required to build it.
In this webinar, Panelists provided an update on the status of this inventory and where are we headed as a region. Presentations and discussion focused on addressing the following questions:
- What are our major gaps in our understanding of OA processes on the West Coast?
- What are the major gaps in our Observational Networks?
- What new chemical and biological measurements do we need to make and where should they be located?
- How can we better coordinate our observational network?
- How can we better link the observations to the models?
- Introduction to Webinar Series and Info for Public Participants, Hayley Carter, Ocean Science Trust (download .pdf)
- Overview of Anthropogenic CO2 along the West Coast, Dr. Richard Feely, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (download .pdf)
- What We Know about OAH in California Based on Observations, Dr. Tessa Hill, University of California, Davis (download .pdf)
- Joint Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Monitoring Task Force: Status of California’s OA Monitoring Assets Inventory, Sara Briley, Ocean Protection Council (download .pdf)
- Using the Inventory to Define Gaps and Identify Priority Investments for the West Coast, Caren Braby, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Richard Feely
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

Tessa Hill
University of California, Davis

Sara Briley
California Ocean Protection Council

Caren Braby
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
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Please submit your questions or comments to: hayley.carter@