Webinar Archive
Supporting Development of Ocean Acidification Water Quality Thresholds in California
Thursday, August 23, 2018
8:00 - 10:00 AM (PST)
The West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) expert panel recommended development of OA thresholds to support water quality and marine resource management decisions, something which has been reiterated in California’s Draft Ocean Acidification Action Plan. This webinar presents: 1) updates on a project intended to help move toward such thresholds for calcifying marine organisms, 2) thoughts on how those thresholds might be used in early non-regulatory decision-making, and 3) perspectives on the steps necessary to translate thresholds into a regulatory framework.

Steve Weisberg
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority

Nina Bednarsek
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority ninab@sccwrp.org

Martha Sutula
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority marthas@sccwrp.org

Jonathan Bishop
California State Water Resources Control Board Jonathan.Bishop@waterboards.ca.gov
Webinar recording (stream)
- Introduction to Webinar Series and Info for Public Participants, Hayley Carter, Ocean Science Trust (download .pdf)
- Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Effects on Pelagic Molluscs, Nina Bednarsek, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority (download .pdf)
- Applying Thresholds to Support Investigations of Local Pollution Impact in the Southern California Bight, Martha Sutula, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority (download .pdf)
- Process and Challenges in Translating Threshold Knowledge into a Regulatory Framework, Jonathan Bishop, California State Water Resources Control Board (download .pdf)
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Please submit your questions or comments to: hayley.carter@